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TimDC's Bio

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TimDC's Bio Empty TimDC's Bio

Post  TimDC Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:23 pm

Fysical aspects

Height : 6 " 8

Weight : 315 pounds

Build : he has wide shoulders and strong arms and legs

Scars or tatoos : he has a big scar on his left leg from a streetfight in 2008

Cloths : A jeans jacket and pants and a black bandana

Mental aspects

Fighting style : He controls Martial Arts and has powerfull punches

Finishers : Lightning hold : TimDC while sitting on his opponent he hooks his arm with his legs
and then hooks his opponents legs with his arms and pulls then towords him executing a devastating Lightning hold.

Inverted scoop slam : TimDC scoops his opponent and turns him in the air
before slamming him have first onto the mat executing a devastating Inverted scoop slam.

The lightning slam : TimDC he hooks his opponents body with his arms
and then flips 270 degrees wich makes his opponent land on his back and starts the pin executing
a devastating The lightning slam.

Background story :
He is the cousin of The Underfaker and went to america with his cousin. His cousin trained him while while he was travelling around in GWA till GWA was shut down. His cousin went to TKO and TimDC went on to train to become a wrestler himself. Now he signed a contract at AAW by impressing the GM with a fight against a AAW wrestler. Now his time to shine has come and he will Stop for no one.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-09-15

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