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Gday M8 Offers an open challenge

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Gday M8 Offers an open challenge Empty Gday M8 Offers an open challenge

Post  GdayM8 Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:21 pm

GdayM8's music hits the arena and the crowd starts cheering
GdayM8 is seen strutting down to the ring in an Italian made suit
GdayM8 walks over to the announcers table and steals a microphone and rolls into the ring
Welcome one and all to MY show
The Crowd goes silent
This is MY show because we all know you guys n girls in the audience only paid top price to come and see the one and only GdayM8
GdayM8 looks around the arena with a smirk on his face
The crowds cheers suddenly turn to boo's
HAHAHAHA, i know i know its understandable why all you people are Booing, its simply because you sdont see gold around my magnificent waist aint it
The Boo's get louder
Or maybe its because your not watching me destroy some pathetic loser in the locker room
So this is what im going to do just to please you all,
Im going to offer an open challenge to anybody out the back there who thinks they can stand up to me

The Crowd cheers again
Ok shut up im not done yet!
The crowd starts booing again
And theres a catch to this match
If you can beat me you will live but you will also be in pain
But if you lose well you will see what happens

Gdaym8 Drops the microphone and takes his suit shirt and jacket off waiting for an opponent


Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-09-15

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Gday M8 Offers an open challenge Empty Edit of a good RP

Post  Danny Master Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:50 pm

GdayM8's music hits the arena and the crowd starts cheering. GdayM8 is seen strutting down to the ring in an Italian made suit.
He walks walks over to the announcers table, steals a microphone and rolls into the ring.

GDAYM8: Welcome one and all to MY show!

The Crowd goes silent

GDAYM8: This is MY show because we all know you guys n girls in the audience only paid top price to come and see the one and only, GdayM8!

GdayM8 looks around the arena with a smirk on his face

Crowd: Boo!

GDAYM8: Hahahaha, I know it's understandable why all you people are Booing, it's simply because you sdont see gold around my magnificent waist, aint it.

The Boo's get louder.

GDAYM8: Or maybe it's because your not watching me destroy some pathetic loser in the locker room. So this is what I'm going to do just to please you all, I'm going to offer an open challenge to anybody out the back there who thinks they can stand up to me.

The Crowd cheers again.

Gdaym8: Ok shut up im not done yet!

The crowd starts booing again

GDAYM8: And theres a catch to this match. If you can beat me you will live but you will also be in pain, but if you lose, well you will see what happens.

Gdaym8 Drops the microphone and takes his suit shirt and jacket off waiting for an opponent.

Danny Master

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-09-18

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Gday M8 Offers an open challenge Empty Re: Gday M8 Offers an open challenge

Post  Admin Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:12 pm

Danny is right, always write like he edited your RP.


Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-09-07


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