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Danny is Twisted

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Danny is Twisted Empty Danny is Twisted

Post  Danny Master Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:03 pm

The camera pans on Danny Master now looking at Just Justin's locker room. You can hear crackling and someone trying to yell but their voice is to weak.

Just Justin: *Cough* Help me *Cough*

John Baker: Oh no, help him!

Mike Brand: I knew it! That sick, twisted son of a (CENSORED)

Danny Master opens the door to a collapsed Just Justin.

Danny Master: He looks so amazing I hope he stays like this forever.

Nathan Fillion: What did you do?

Danny Master: Just making a good show.

Nathan Fillion nods.

Nathan Fillion: True, but he still needs medical attention.

John Baker (On the phone): Come on Nathan don't let him get away with this he lit the room on fire.

Danny Master steals Nathan's phone.

Danny Master: Damn right I did.

He hangs up.

Danny Master

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-09-18

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Danny is Twisted Empty Re: Danny is Twisted

Post  Admin Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:32 am

I doubt he agreed to let you do such action on his wrestlers behalf. Also, no using of the GM!


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Join date : 2010-09-07


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Danny is Twisted Empty This is why we can't have nice things...

Post  Just Justin Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:57 am

Danny Masters...wait, I remember you! In the parking lot! You approached the limo and I had my bodyguard give you a twenty to wash the windows; just helping out someone down on their luck. But what did you do? I leave the room to take a phonecall and when I come back my bodyguard is unconscious and my persian silk drapes are on fire?
I can forgive a lot of things, Danny. I forgive you for hurting my bodyguard, Mr. Black. The fire? I forgive you for setting my room on fire, Danny. I have more drapes. I forgive you for EVERYTHING Danny, and do you know why? Because to me, it's nothing personal, only business. You're trying to MAKE it personal, and that shows you're scared. Scared of me. Scared of what I can do. Trying to take me out before the match was a sound business investment; you Just didn't close the deal.
Opening gambit didn't pay off, son. Ball's in my court now. What am I going to do? What....am....i....capable of?
I don't know if the dead can dream Danny, but if you can, dream of me tonight.
I never sleep.

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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Danny is Twisted Empty Re: Danny is Twisted

Post  Danny Master Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:57 am

Nice Very Happy

Danny Master

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-09-18

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Danny is Twisted Empty Retaliation

Post  Just Justin Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:04 am

Camera starts with a young woman in a business skirt smiling at the camera holding a microphone. Behind her is a large blue door with a golden star on it with 'Justin' written in the center.

Hi, I'm Debra, part-time back-stage interviewer. With everything going on, from an attack on his bodyguard to a fire in his room, I thought we'd get some words for Just Justin before the match. I'm standing outside his new 'temporary' dressing room. Let's see if he's inside. Justin?

Debra knocks on the door. No answer. Debra knocks a little harder and the door opens by itself. With a concerned look at the camera Debra pushes open the door. The sound of a man talking can be heard. She walks into a small room and sees Just justin on the phone, his back to them. They inch closer to overhear what he has to say.

...and I'm telling you, why tax the rich? I've all ready bought three yachts this week; I'm ADDING to the economy. If anything you should create a poor tax; what do they contribute? Nothing! Always taking with their unemployment and their food stamps...

He looks up and sees the camera.

...have to go. I'll call you later, Mr. Obama.

Just Justin, this is Debra, part-time interviewer. I just wondered if we could have your reaction to what Danny Master did to you earlier in the evening...

Just Justin holds out his hand, stopping her. She places the microphone close to his face and Just Justin looks into the camera, blue eyes unreadable.

My reaction? I gave you my reaction earlier, debra. Like I said, it's just business. I can relate to where Danny is coming from, although I can safely say I've never been that desperate. My reaction? That's OLD business. But I'm glad you're here Debra, because I have some NEW business I'd like to address.

Danny Master. The Dead Boy. Rose from the grave. I can respect that, you know? Shows dedication. But all work and no play can make Danny a dull boy. Look at me, Danny. This tan? 100% Bremuda. When not performing hostile take-overs I para-glide and sail the Islands. You look a little pale, Danny. Not enough free-time? I can help you add some color to that pallor. Debra, switch to camera 13.

Camera 13? Why? And how do you know the camer-

I said. Switch. To camera. 13. Now.

With a confused look Debra motions the camera man to comply and the scene suddenly cuts to the wrestlers gym. A few flourecent lights illuminates rack upon rack of free weights and a punching bag. And doing chin-ups off of one of the overhanging rafters is Danny Master.

(offscreen) Hey! That's Danny Master!

A young man in a business suit comes through the lockerroom door. In his hand he's carrying a large metal briefcase, similar to the one that Just Justin carries with him to the ring.

Mr. Master? Danny Master? I have a delivery for you.

Danny Master drops down from his chin-ups. He glares at th kid and slowly walks over. As he reaches out to take the briefcase the kid opens up the case and a fireball shoots out from inside! Danny expected something like this and managed to get most of his arm up but still a portion hits him in the head. He goes down heavily, kicking, but strangely not screaming. The kid grabs the briefcase and runs out of the camera shot.

(offscreen)Oh God! Did you see that! Quick, someone send for a doctor! We need help in the gym!

Two wrestlers who were in the area rush to Danny's aid. They try to lift him but Danny pushes them both out of his way and stumbles out the locker room door.
Switch scene back to Just Justins locker room. Debra is staring at the camera with a horrified expression on his face. Just Justin has NO expression on his. He grabs the mic, moving so swiftly Debra lets out a small cry, startled. Her expression goes from horror to disgust as she looks at Just Justin.

(Whispering) Just remember son...nothing personal, it's Just business...

fade to black

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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Danny is Twisted Empty Re: Danny is Twisted

Post  Danny Master Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:21 am

Awesome RP Very Happy

Danny Master

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-09-18

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Danny is Twisted Empty thanks

Post  Just Justin Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:47 am

(out of character) Thanx man. Like i posted before, you're really pushing my rp skill to the max. i wasn't expected to be this challenged this soon. You're taking me to the next level man. Thanks again for the good word!

Oh, speaking of the next level...

Just Justin kicks Danny Master's stomach
then slams his shoulder into Danny Masters head, performing a strong Chop Breaker!!
Just Justin tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...

I hope come monday you bring yours....:-D

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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Danny is Twisted Empty Re: Danny is Twisted

Post  Danny Master Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:35 pm

Lol we're 1 each that means lol

Danny Master

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-09-18

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