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RED HOT KID has come to AAW

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RED HOT KID has come to AAW Empty RED HOT KID has come to AAW

Post  RedHotKid Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:32 am

*Camera Fades into a old destroyed house with Red Hot Kid sitting inside as he begins to speak* Hello everyone, I am the Red Hot Kid, i reside in New Orleans, Louisiana. This house right here well whats left of it, was my old home b4 the B*tch Katrina (hurricane Katrina) came through and had my house with 6 feet of water... i now have a new home and its the AAW, so get ready for the insane , high flying, hardcore style that is Red Hot Kid, when i was younger around 15-17 i was in a backyard fed. called IUW "Insane Underground Wrestling", b4 the fed closed i was one holding the IUW title at the end of it all , i had it all done to me i was put through tables on fire, hit with florescent light bulbs, thrown through thumbtacks, but in the end i came out the champion...I then moved on, but Katrina stopped me in my tracks to i had to relocate and during this time i learned how to really be a true wrestler.... also this past year My football team The New Orleans Saints won for the first time The Superbowl XLIV, this reunited the city and made me realize that I can achieve anything if the saints can do it... So Be ready for me when we collide in the ring all of my matches i put my body on the line for the fans....Remember your body will be on the line also! "Red Hot starts yelling and repeating "WHO DAT?" *the Camera shows the rest of the house where you can still see the water line taller than Red Hot's Head, then the camera fades*

Thank you all and im glad to be here!
Red Hot Kid, i have been in a writen league where i would have to send in copys of Promos and Trash talking etc. so im not new to this rp thing! Good Day my fellow Wrestlers.


Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-09-18
Age : 38
Location : New Orleans, LA USA

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