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God of war vs Goat of war

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God of war vs Goat of war Empty God of war vs Goat of war

Post  Goatlord Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:10 am

Goatlord comes out to the AAW ring, fans ringside are awaiting his promo to see who this handsome, physical specimen is all about.

Goatlord: Now you people don't know me, and you don't know what I'm about. I was booked to face God of War in a one on one single match. Now I asked Nuclear Doctor, the chairman of this great company about him, but he still didn't show up. Now this tells me that I'm going up against a coward. You see, I'm the man with the largest goatbeard in the world. I'm the man with the biggest number of wins in all of AAW, so you come out there and hide saying you're "God of War", I say you're the God of Cowardry, cause when I look at you, I see another wimpy guy who has made a career out of himself losing and getting the simpy of the people, but you don't get my simpy at all. So I'm gonna prove to all my future goatadmireres out there that I'm the man, I'm the man in AAW and size matters b****

This goes to all my goatlovers out there, Big Goatie Pump is your hook up, Hail me if you hear it!!!


Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-09-17

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