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Some RP hints

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Some RP hints Empty Some RP hints

Post  Just Justin Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:32 am

This is Matthew (Just Justin) here, breaking out of character just for a few moments. I've been a write almost as long as I've been a wrestling fan, and I've picked up a trick or two over the years. Even so, my recent fued taught me a few new things about writing and character development. I'm hoping this forum will give everybody the opportunity to write down what they've learned as well, so that everyone will get a chance to learn and grow and just make this the best d--n show in the business. Please post any and all tips you would like to add. Now, I'll try to keep it brief, but no promises ;-)

1) Army of One- The federation is made up of a HUGE number of people, from the wrestlers to announcers to the ring rats setting up. However, you have control over just one character- You're wrestler. Sounds simple, right? When RP it's easy to avoid the opportunity to make your opponent wear a dres, or blackmail them because u have pics of them with transvestite hookers (save THAT idea for my next fued!). It's NOT easy to avoid making your opponent say something or do something out of character. Something as simple as agreeing to a truce or just saying hi can tick off the writer who made him/her. The best way to handle this is focus on JUST your character. Make HIM the center of attention. If the RP is about an incedent, leave it open-ended so the other guy can post HIS response. If it must include an altercation, please, read the bio section and get an idea of who he is, and then PM him and ask if it's ok if he does/says this. That being said...

2) Smack-Talk. Smack-talk is an important role in wrestling. Heck, you probably signed up with that one thing in mind! But just make sure that your smack-talk stays in charecter. I found the BEST way to handle it is to actually put your opponent OVER. What's that? But he's scum between your toes and you can beat him easily? Well, let's look at that...Suppose your smack-talk makes it so your oppenent is really a female dressed in a body suit that suffers from adult illeteracy and can't read the Behr-Behr-Behrenstein bears by themselves. Well, best case scenario-congrats, you just beat up an invalid! Worst case scenario-Dude, you LOST the match to the guy riding the short bus. By making your opponent out to be a threat, you get MORE over by beating him. Or if you lose, at least you have a rp excuse (Yeah, I lost. The guy can bench a car! But I held my own and I ALMOST had him...)

3) Inner thoughts- Last paragraph I promise. What are your wrestler's motives? Why is he there? How does he interact with other wrestlers? Wether it's to be the best, to inspire people around you or setting people on fire (Hey, Danny!) everyone has a different motive. Not JUST that, but everyone has a different way of OBTAINING that motive. If every wrestler went around back-stage grabbing steel chairs and hitting people, what would you have? OK smart-a$$, yeah, the original ECW. I MEANT you'd have no story. Taking 3 great promo artists Mick Foley, The Rock and The Miz seldom just started wailing on people in the back. They used their personalities and mannerisms. What mannerisms do you have? Always stroking your beard? Carrying a lighter and lighting it on and off? Raising an eyebrow? How about catch-phrases? Anything is good if it sets you apart. And plus, the more you add, the more your fellow wrestlers can include when they write about YOU.

Kay, that's it. Please post and and all RP hints for everyone to read, myself included. Now if you'll excuse me, Just Justin needs a sammich.

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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Some RP hints Empty Big Hint

Post  Danny Master Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:14 am

An RP doesn't have to be long to be good take my best one ever for example...

Aw Smash is singing strongly in his shower as he washes off after his match. The crowd laughs hysterically. The shower curtain darkens a bit. He stops singing as a figure approaches. Blood starts drippping. He then drops his razor. The crowd get tense.

Aw Smash: Ow! Who's out there.

There is no answer. The water stops running.

Aw Smash: Seriously I'm not in the mood.

There is still no answer and he peeks out of the shower.

Aw Smash: H-who are you.

?: I am Kit Cassity the new interviewer and I'm a big fan of you.

Aw Smash: Aw great, not another stalker. SECURITY!

Security Guard: I'm sorry sir. She's aloud access to anywhere she wants.

Aw Smash: WHAT! Robinson will hear about this. OH BO-

Kit Cassity cuts in.

Kit Cassity: I just wanted to give you this.

Kit Cassity hands Aw Smash a good bar of soap.

Aw Smash: Umm thanks. Can everyone please give me some privacy now. I'm kinda in the middle of Sweet Child O' Mine here.

Everyone nods and leaves. Aw Smash goes back to singing.

Aw Smash: Woah oh oh Sweet child o' mine woah oh oh oh Sweet love of mine.

The crowd laughs hysterically as the camera fades to darkness.

Real life issues make a great RP such as a kidnapping or car crash...

--In the backstage there is a young woman talking with a security guard--

???: Please I need to pass.

Security Guard: Sorry but the only guys that can be here are the wrestlers and no one more. You don't have any authorization to enter here.

???: Please I need to talk to Henlar. I am his wife.

Security Guard: Listen! I am telling you that this is not in my hands. You need an authorization.

Henlar's wife: From who?

???: From a wrestler is enough I think, right?

--Aw Smash appears and whisper something to the security guard--

Security guard: Ok, I will tell him. Don't worry about that.

Aw Smash: Come on I will escort you to Henlar.

Henlar's wife: Thank you so much!

Aw Smash: So you are Henlar's wife?

Henlar's wife:My name is Maria. And who you are?

Aw Smash: Me?

--Aw Smash thinks wisely while they are walking alomg the backstage--

Aw Smash: My name is Destiny.

Henlar's wife: Destiny!? Oh yeah Henlarito told me about you.

--Aw Smash laugh a little after heard Henlarito--

Aw Smash: Hadn't you saw any show?

Henlar's wife: I try to don't see those things I don't like seeing my husband bleeding, in fact I came once and he finished bleeding by someone... I just I can't remember who... jajaja... my memory is very bad.

Aw Smash: (Whisper to himself) luckily for me.

Henlar's wife: !! Did you say something?

Aw Smash: No... nothing... here we are... my locker room.

--Aw Smash and Maria stop in front of a locker room that has a plaque that says Aw Smash--

Henlar's wife: Who is Aw Smash?

Aw Smash: mmm... a friend... me and Henlar were talking in here.

Henlar's wife: And why you were talking in the locker room of another wrestler? And didn't you say that this was your locker room?

Aw Smash: mmm... well... is that... mmm... the 3 of us are such good friends that... mmm... we spent a lot of time talking and stuff like that , you know?

Henlar's wife: This is very weird, Henlarito usually is not a good talker and he don't have a lot of friends.

--Aw Smash starts to put nervous while thinking in what to say to make her come in--

Henlar's wife: This is great! I didn't know that Henlarito has such good friends i am really happy for him!

--Maria opens the door and enters to the locker room of Aw Smash--

Henlar's wife: Henlarito surprise!! I am here to... wait... there is no one here.

--Aw Smash enters the locker room and close the door--

The image goes black

Danny Master

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-09-18

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