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tag team breaking up

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tag team breaking up Empty tag team breaking up

Post  Surf Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:34 am

surf is in his locker room un lacing his boots after his match,
surf has a massive cut on his head from the ddt.
josh van walks in for a interview,

Josh Van:Surf, you have a moment?
Josh van:ive come for a interview
Surf:Josh, ive just had a match, look at this on my head

camera cuts to surfs head displaying a massive cut

Surf:my tag partner did that.....i thought we were friends......

a tear falls from surfs eye

josh van:well surf, maybe todays not the time and by the way, marks coming to see you in a minute

surf waits for mark


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Join date : 2010-09-14
Age : 26
Location : Kickin' ass in the ring

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tag team breaking up Empty Re: tag team breaking up

Post  Mark Reynolds Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:02 pm

hey surf I was thinking more along the lines of this?... I left your bits for your to write it it in your own style Very Happy ... you could always include commentators reaction at the end too if ya wanted Wink

Josh Van: I'm here with Surf who is one half of the legenedary tag team The (tag team name) that our GM Nathan Fillion managed to bring in to AAW, Surf if you wouldnt mind I'd like to get your thoughts on your tag match tonight match against (tag team name)

Surf: (comment about tonight's tag match, say were are ready and that the crowd will finally see why GM hired us... etc)

Josh Van: Well I'm sure that I'm not the only one here that cant wait to see you guys in tag team action tonight, after all as I'm sure you know there have been roumours that people are starting to doubt your credentials, i mean we all saw you in action agasint your tag partner, but we have yet to see the both of you perform as a tag team, do you think youll be able to please our fans and live up to the hype?

Surf: ( taken aback ... a bit insulted ... remind him of our history, fantastic matches, once we get going than youll know we will be a force to be reckoned with .. etc)

Josh Van: Now, about your match for the Rising Star Title on Absolute Adrenaline Wrestling, which you endend up losing to your fellow tag team partner "The English Enigma" Mark Reynolds, after he raked you in the eye, how do you feel about losing that match? and do you think that you'll be able to co-exist with you tag partner tonight in your tag match?

Surf:( we had an amasing match ... middle of explaining how you feel when you get cut off by Mark arriving )

*Mark comes in pats Surf on the back in a frienly matter and joins him in the interview*

Mark: Heeeey!, Surf buddy, you ready for this match or what!!, just imagine it..

*waves his hand above them imagining painting a picture in the sky*

Mark: The ring annoucer calls out on the of the greatest tag teams in the buisnesss in recent years, the crowd go crazy, we put on the best match ... of the show ... maybe even the year... at the end of the match the crowd chants our name over and over, there is no doubt in anyones mind that we are in fact on the the greatest tag teams of all time!, we stand in the middle of the ring victorious, myself, The Rising Star Champion,The English Enigma, Mark Reynolds you (your nickname) Surf..............

*stops talking and ponders on what to say for longer than anyone would need to ponder,just for dramatic effect,than takes a deep breath and exhales and puts his and back down, than instead of continuing with his vision of the nights events, just glances at his tag team partner and Walks off *

Josh Van: Errm, well Tha....

*Surf decides he is also done with the interveiw and leaves before Josh Van can continue with his Statement walking off in the same direction and Mark went*

Mark Reynolds

Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-09-14

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tag team breaking up Empty Re: tag team breaking up

Post  Surf Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:46 am

Surf:The tag team match tonight is big, its also confusing, thats why ill be watching mark at all times,
just incase....

Surf:My head injury isnt that bad anymore but me and mark have a competetive history,
mark and i may be a tag team but we can be the oppisite,
i remember back in the days of 88, me and mark ahad a big fall out,
i just hope history wont repeat itself...

Surf:When mark slammed my head in the mat, it was devastating, i could'nt think, i lost all my sense,
my life flashed before my eyes, and before you knew it, i was unconcious

tag team breaking up 260_41801_4_Kennedy_DDT_Carlito1

Surf:Anyway, ive desided to put that aside and Win this match,
been nice talking to you john.

John Baker:It takes allot of courage to put it all aside, hes a good fighter

Mike Brand:Shut up john

Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-09-14
Age : 26
Location : Kickin' ass in the ring

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tag team breaking up Empty Re: tag team breaking up

Post  Mark Reynolds Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:02 am

Josh Van: I'm here with Surf who is one half of the legenedary tag team The (tag team name) that our GM Nathan Fillion managed to bring in to AAW, Surf if you wouldnt mind I'd like to get your thoughts on your tag match tonight match against (tag team name)

Surf: The tag team match tonight is big, its also confusing, thats why ill be watching mark at all times, just incase....

Josh Van: Well I'm sure that I'm not the only one here that cant wait to see you guys in tag team action tonight, after all as I'm sure you know there have been roumours that people are starting to doubt your credentials, i mean we all saw you in action agasint your tag partner, but we have yet to see the both of you perform as a tag team, do you think youll be able to please our fans and live up to the hype?

Surf: My head injury isnt that bad anymore but me and mark have a competetive history,mark and i may be a tag team but we can be the oppisite, I remember back in the days of 98, me and mark ahad a big fall out, I just hope history wont repeat itself...

Josh Van: Now, about your match for the Rising Star Title on Absolute Adrenaline Wrestling, which you endend up losing to your fellow tag team partner "The English Enigma" Mark Reynolds, after he raked you in the eye, how do you feel about losing that match? and do you think that you'll be able to co-exist with you tag partner tonight in your tag match?

Surf: When mark slammed my head in the mat, it was devastating, i could'nt think, i lost all my sense, my life flashed before my eyes, and before you knew it, i was uncon....

*Mark comes in pats Surf on the back in a frienly matter and joins him in the interview*

Mark: Heeeey!, Surf buddy, you ready for this match or what!!, just imagine it..

*waves his hand above them imagining painting a picture in the sky*

Mark: The ring annoucer calls out on the of the greatest tag teams in the buisnesss in recent years, the crowd go crazy, we put on the best match ... of the show ... maybe even the year... at the end of the match the crowd chants our name over and over, there is no doubt in anyones mind that we are in fact on the the greatest tag teams of all time!, we stand in the middle of the ring victorious, myself, The Rising Star Champion,The English Enigma, Mark Reynolds you (your nickname) Surf..............

*stops talking and ponders on what to say for longer than anyone would need to ponder,just for dramatic effect,than takes a deep breath and exhales and puts his and back down, than instead of continuing with his vision of the nights events, just glances at his tag team partner and Walks off *

Josh Van: Errm, well Tha....

Surf: Anyway Mark's right, ive desided to put that aside and Win this match,
been nice talking to you john.

*Surf decides he is also done with the interveiw and leaves before Josh Van can continue with his Statement walking off in the same direction and Mark went*

John Baker: It takes a lot of courage to put it all aside, hes a good fighter

Mike Brand: Shut up john

Mark Reynolds

Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-09-14

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