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Bryan Hawk Bio

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Bryan Hawk Bio Empty Bryan Hawk Bio

Post  BryanHawk Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:08 pm

Bryan Hawk Bio F19288a1-0b59-402f-bc2f-9ffea6734518

Bryan Hawk
Age: 19
Face/Hell : I can be everything
Bio: Bryan is popular person in TV, as teenager he was one of best Parkour performers in Europe, later he was guess in some talk-shows. He was hungry for adrenaline so he signed the biggest fed other here AAW. He's ready to face anyone to get what he want the most - a pure adrenaline ...
CHaracter: Very energetic, like to joke a lot, very friendly to fans and opponents, like to show off Razz

Blue Headband
black jacket with Hawk on the back
camo pants


Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-09-23

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