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Introduction of the Hawk

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Introduction of the Hawk Empty Introduction of the Hawk

Post  BryanHawk Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:25 pm

*Backstage is shown on titantron, Josh Van goes to locker rooms to interview the newest star of AAW.*
-Good evening, ladies and gentleman. I'm Josh Van and I'm here to introduce to you our newest superstar, Bryan Hawk.
*Josh knocks to Bryan's locker room doors, Bryan opens then few seconds later. He's wearing black jacket, camo pants and headband , all parts have a picture of hawk on it.*
- Good evening, Bryan. I'm Josh and I'm here to ask a few questions.
-Nice to meet you Josh but first, I want to introduce myself to the universe if you don't mind - *Bryan tooks his microphone without waiting for response from Josh *- Good evening everyone, my name is Bryan Hawk and I'm here tonight to whoop some asses!!!
*Josh takes microphone and continues his his interview*
- Thank you Bryan but lets continue. Is it true that you are really famous sportsman in Europe? Looks like you already have some fans here...
- Yeah, Josh you're right, I was one of best Parkour performers in Europe, me and my friends were giving a lot of show all over the Europe, but we never had that many fans as we have tonight.
-Looks like you really love parkour so my next question is : Why did you stopped doing this?
Well Josh, after all these years filled with jumping from the buildings, flying over the stairs and cars my life become a little boring. I agree it gives adrenaline but this is not enough for me anymore. Then i started to search a new place where I can fell the adrenaline like never before. And is there any better place to do that than Absolute Adrenaline Wrestling? I don't think so...
Now i have to excuse you but i have a match to win - *Bryan tosses a microphone to Josh and runs off to ring entrance as his theme starts playing*
- And that ladies and gentelman, is Bryan Hawk!


Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-09-23

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