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Opening Scene

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Opening Scene Empty Opening Scene

Post  Just Justin Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:33 pm

The camera opens up in a male locker room. Various outfits are hanging up and free weights are scattered all over the floor. The camera slowly pans left, showing that almost the ENTIRE AAW roster is standing to one side, faces blank. The camera swings over to see what they are staring at and there stands Just Justin, Danny Master and Nuclear Doctor, flanked on either side by the bodyguards Mr. Black and Mr. White. Just Justin and Nuclear Doctor are both wearing custom fit gucci cuits, their belts slung over one shoulder carelessly. Danny Master is also wearing a suit, but it is torn and burned in several areas. He keeps flicking a lighter on and off and shooting hard stares at Justin and Doctor.

John Baker- Wow, the whole wrestling roster is here! I wonder what the occassion is?

Mike Brand- It's obvious, John. They're here to celebrate the title reign of Nuclear Doctor and Just justin! The Elitests proved last ppv that they ARE the team to beat, and that everyone else better step in line and join!

John Baker- What? The Doc only won because Just Justin interfered in his match, and Justin hasn't even defended his belt yet! How can you say these guys are elite?

Mike Brand- Because they're the ELITESTS, ok? Anyway hush up Justin is about to speak!

Just Justin- Thank you all for coming to MY meeting. My name is Just Justin, and I'm YOUR AAW champion. To the right is Nuclear Doctor, also a champion. To my left is Danny Master, the dead boy, and world's most hardcore deviant, now a beacon of hope.
I know that when the Elitests were formed, a lot of you thought it was a joke. You laughed and ignored us. One person who laughed was the FORMER champion, who lost to Nuclear Doctor.

Camera shows a close-up of Nuclear Doctor polishing his belt, looking pleased with himself. The camera changes to the wrestlers, who don't look to pleased. Both Goatman and Red Hot Kid look like they're going to say something then close their mouths.

Just Justin- This just proves MY point. The AAW is overrun with freaks and deviants! I am going to clean up the AAW one match at a time! I will show you that we NEED to be better role-models and in order to do that, you need to be more...like...me...

Just Justin gets up and walks to the rest of the wrestlers; Doctor and Mr. Black and Mr. White follow behind him. Danny Mutters something to himself and flicks his lighter continuously. Justin goes up and down the line of wrestlers, putting his finger in everyones face.

Just Justin- Chessman! Stop hiding your face behind a mask; only criminals wear masks! Goatman! Shave that thing off! I've seen better body hair at a mexican donkey show! Red Hot Kid...

When Justin gets to Red Hot Kid, Red Hot slaps Just Justins finger out of his face. Mr Black and Mr White suddenly push in front of Justin, confronting Red Hot. Red Hot reluctantly backs down.

John Baker- YES!! It seems as if the spirit of AAW hasn't been broken by this regime!

Mike Brand- Broken? It's only strong BECAUSE of Just Justin. And who the hell does Red Hot think he is? Does he have a deathwish or something?

Just Justin (staring at Red Hot)- This meeting is over. Join us and make AAW a better place. Stand against us...it's not personal, only business. And Red Hot? My business with you...isn't finished...now out! EVERYONE OUT!!!

Mr. Black and Mr. White and the Doctor all start pushing wrestlers out of the locker room. The camera slowly pans from the chaos of the exiting wrestlers to Danny Master standing by the wall, alone. He flicks his lighter on and slowly brings it up to his eyes. Quietly, so quietly that the camera almost doesn't pick it up, Danny speaks...

Danny Master(whispering)- Soon they will all burn, Master.

Fade to black

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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