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Post  Just Justin Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:20 am

The show opens with John Baker, the acting GM, standing in the middle of the ring in front of a sold out AAW crowd! The crowd is especially livid after the last PPV, and the fans are getting into it carrying various signs like 'The (Chair) Shot Heard Round the World' and 'Justin Trouble!' John Baker actually has to ask the crowd to quiet a few times just do he can speak.

John Baker-Hello everyone, to ANOTHER exciting edition of-

Before Mike can complete his sentence Just Justin's music hits. The crowd starts to boo but surprisingly there are a few cheers as well. Just Justin suddenly comes down the ring in a fury looking the worse for wear; his nose is heavily bandaged and he's sporting two black eyes. On the ramp he starts to unbutton his clothes and by the time he hits the ring his shirt and jacket are off. His two bodyguards stand outsde the ring at attention while Justin heads over to John Baker.

John Baker- How DARE you interupt-

Just Justin cuts him off by grabbing Mike's jacket and pulling him close. The crowd erupts into chants of 'Stock Drop! Stock Drop!'

Just Justin-Forgive my rudenessJohnathon but I have some business to address. Leave MY ring. NOW. Please.

Just Justin lets go and John Baker hurries out of the ring to the announce booth.

John Baker-He laid his hands on an acting GM! This is his first and ONLY warning. If he had actually taken a swing at me...

Mike Brand-I'd be upset too if I was Justin. You saw what happened last PPV against Red Hot Kid.

Almost as if he can hear the announcers Just Justin picks up a microphone.

Just Justin-Roll the footage cameraman. I SAID ROLL THE FREAKING FOOTAGE!

The footage shows the last PPV match. Just Justin has the Red Hot Kid in a one legged boston crab in the center of the ring. Suddenly out of nowhere the Doctor distracts the referee. Danny Master runs in and slams Justin in the face, allowing Kid to get the roll-up and the 1-2-3 for the belt.

Mike Brand-Truly dispicable! Just Justin has been NOTHING but a positive role model; he's never lied or cheated in a match. And to have him lose the belt in this way, to the supposed GOOD GUYS...

John Baker-I...wow. Strangely, I kinda agree with you Mike.

Just Justin- You all saw that! I was ROBBED last night! Last night was supposed to be my moment of glory, OUR moment of glory, and instead I spent it in a freaking HOSPITAL bed due to a FREAKING BLIND-SIDE ATTACK! Danny, oh Danny boy, you have no idea what you did. But to be blunt, I'll deal with you later. You're personal. For now, I'm dealing with business.

Just Justin stops and stares at the back room. The audiance starts up with that strange mixture of boos and claps again.

Just Justin-Red. Hot. Kid. You watched the same footage I did. I had you, dead to rights, in the center of that ring. The only reason, THE ONLY REASON you won, was because of that chair shot. I HAD YOU FREAKING TAPPING AND DIDN'T EVEN BREAK A SWEAT DOING IT!

Just Justin stops to control himself. The crowd starts booing again but mixed in are 'You Tapped Out!' chants.

Just Justin-I don't bring that up to insult you, Red Hot, I just bring it up as fact. I have spent every. Waking. Moment. Thinking about that. And that's why, being the man that I am, Red Hot Kid, I have to say...I forgive you.

Mike Brand-WHAT?!?

Just Justin-I remember the look on your face, Kid. You were in as much shock as I. You didn't plan the attack out with Danny. You're as much a victem as I was. That's why I can honestly say it's not your fault, and it's NOT personal between us.
But I called you a victem too. How are you a victem? Danny STOLE something from you last night, Red Hot. He stole your integrity. He interfered on your behalf last night, making you seem weak, and turning you into a paper champion. This is just ONE of the many sins Danny will pay for, but not tonight. Tonight, I want you, Red Hot, to help yourself.
I know you, Red Hot. You're a good man, a strong individual. I'm sure, after watching that footage, you feel just as sick as I did with your win. That's why I'm offering to let you do the right thing. I am NOT going to ask John Baker to strip you of the title. I am NOT going to ask him for a rematch. You're a better man then that, Red. You won because someone CHEATED, Red Hot. Do the right thing. Come out from back there and give me the title back. You will automatically be the number one contender, but I'll have the belt. Then you can win it the RIGHT way, Red Hot Kid. Win it the way a MAN would win it. Or do you want to spend the rest of your life knowing your first title win was a fraud? Be better then that. Be the role-model you say that you are.

Just Justin finishes and drops the mike on the ring floor. He leans back against the ropes and waits. The crowd is livid, some screaming for Red Hot, some for Justin.

John Baker...

Mike Brand-John, are you ok?

John Baker-...I don't know, Mike. Every single thing Justin said...made sense. I really REALLY dislike the guy, but he's right.I wonder what Red Hot Kid will say when he comes down. I mean, Justin's right, but...this IS professional wrestling, and a win is a win. But...DANGIT...why did this have to happen on MY show?

Mike Brand-Well, that's even IF Red Hot Kid comes down. Just because Justin calls him out doesn't mean he'll show. Also, who says Red Hot's the only one who'll show. Danny Master may decide this is the perfect time to make an entrence.

Both announcers look towards the back room, waiting to see who'll appear...

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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Post  RedHotKid Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:14 am

Juvenile starts slamming over the PA system which is the Red Hot Kid's Entrance...no one is coming out.. the camera pans to the crowd in an uproar some chanting Justin, others Red Hot!....Suddently Red Hot Kid with the belt around his waste appears at the entrance. He makes his way to the ring and begins to speak.

Red Hot Kid: Justin, Justin, Justin... See i know first hand how it is to lose everything you own, I am from New Orleans, LA where Hurricane Katrina killed hundreds of people and took everything from me, also I'm sure this belt means alot to you....*The crowd is in a crazy state where they are confused, they dont know who to cheer for, the chants of "AAW" "AAW" start filling the arena., hold on ladies and gentlemen!

Red Hot waits for the crowd to quite down.
Red Hot Kid: As i was about to say, i am the new champion...and yes i might have won it due to some interference....but i wasnt going to tap, i was reaching for the ropes. Anyway thats not my point

Red Hot Kid Looks into Just Justin's eyes as he is about to say something.

Red Hot Kid: Justin... Your right, * The crowd is in shock.. Hold on fans please let me finish... You didnt deserve to lose like that and i didnt deserve to win like that! Now i am a little suprised you have the "testicular fortitude" to call me out... But since you did like a man, i will talk to you like one.

Red Hot Kid takes the belt off his waist, looks at it while the crowd is going crazy , stares into the crowd and drops it in front of him. Just Justin looks like he doesnt know what Red Hot is doing.

Red Hot Kid: I believe that belt belongs to you.. You were cheated out of your prestigious title, and i would rather lose with Honor than take a win knowing i didnt try my hardest. So, Justin, take the title its yours..

Chants of "Red Hot Kid" fill the stadium , while Red Hot Kid looks really serious and begins his next sentence

Red Hot Kid: Now that this foolishness is over. Now that i have a win over you technically making me the AAW champion, I hope im on your radar b/c i swear to my fans i will get that belt back, you give me the number one contender shot? Well i hope your ready for another brawl because its going to be one for the record books. I dont know when you want this to go down but im ready as soon as you are brother! Id give it to the fans tonight if i had the authority! So whats the deal?, I gave you your title back i want my rematch! Oh, and while we are at it why dont we get Danny out here to clear the air a little bit???

The crowd is chanting "we want a rematch clap clap clap clap clap, we want a rematch clap clap clap clap clap." and "Where is Danny?" "Where is Danny?"

Red Hot Kid reaches his hand out waiting for Just Justin to shake it..

Last edited by RedHotKid on Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:26 pm; edited 4 times in total


Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-09-18
Age : 38
Location : New Orleans, LA USA

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Post  Just Justin Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:42 am

...Just Justin stares at Red Hots hand for what seems like an eternity. He looks almost to be in a daze. Slowly he looks up and out to the crowd who roar in approval of Red Hots noble gesture. Just Justin suddenly smiles and takes Red Hots hand while the fans erupt in applause.

Just Justin-Since I've been here I've felt alone, surrounded by psychos and deviants. Red Hot, you've heard me speak about being a role model to these fans, about showing them what's right. Tonight, you've shown me that I'm not the only one striving to make a difference. As ironic as it sounds...by surrendering the belt...you've shown you ARE a champion. It is an honor to be in the same ring as you.

Both wrestlers reach in and give each other a brief pat on the back of respect, then raise each other's hands as the crowd screams in a frenzy.

Mike Brand-Wow ladies and gentleman. I can honestly say I don't know if that was a smart thing Red Hot did, but it was the right thing. I'm truly in awe over what just happened.

Red Hot jumps up on the turnbuckle, waving to his fans. Just Justin picks up the mike and turns to the announcing table.

Just Justin-Mr. Brand, if you'll be so kind as to hang onto this belt for us. After this display of integrity I would not cheapen this moment by holding onto it. Keep it safe and award it to the winner please.
Red Hot, you said you want Danny out here? Well, so do I actually. I have a few things to say to THAT poseur wannabe. Danny, I KNOW you can hear me. Get your butt out here now OR I WILL DRAG YOU OUT DEAD BOY. You say you've died and come back from the grave? Then you should know you ALWAYS give the devil his due, and right now Danny, you have HELL to pay...

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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