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Nr.47 Feud with Nuc

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Nr.47 Feud with Nuc Empty Nr.47 Feud with Nuc

Post  Admin Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:13 pm

Theme music hits and the GM walks out of the ramp. He looks around and smiles to the fans. After a few seconds he heads for the ring, giving high fives to everyone he can. When he gets in, he asks for a microphone.

"Nathan Fillion: Good evening once again, dears fans! As you all know, we have no champions yet! And what's a better place and time to give the titles out then the debut show!?"

Nathan stands still for a while, obviously happy that the crowd is cheering.

"Mike Brand: He's right, what kind of show would it be without champions?"

"Nathan Fillion: As much as I'd like to give the title shots to the most deserving superstars... I can't. You, just like me never seen any of these wrestlers fight."

Crowd becomes silent for a few seconds, then start cheering again.

"Nathan Fillion: So... I thought the only fair way to do this is choosing wrestlers by random!"

"Mike Brand: By that he meant that he'll just points at any wrestler and he gets a title shot."

"John Baker: I think we all know what he meant, Mike."

"Nathan Fillion: To make it more interesting, I'll give both commentators a choice! People, give Mike and John the roster list!"

One person comes from backstage with two roster lists, he gives one of them to John Baker and the other one to Mike Brand.

"Mike Brand: That is how you pay respect to us, hardworking commentators!"

"John Baker: I never felt disrespected, but oh well... Let's just choose the wrestlers"

Both commentators look trough the list a few times. John Brand stands up and looks at Nathan.

"John Brand: The list is pretty colorful, but I think I'll choose this guy"

John brand raises his roster list in the air. The cameras zooms in on it and everyone can see an underlined name... "Nuclear Doctor"

Theme music hits and green smoke fills the arena. After a few seconds a figure walks out of the smoke. Heads towards the ring without looking around. He slides in and takes the mic from the GM. The figure puts the microphone to his mask and everyone can hear heavy breathing. The crowd start cheering, interested in the strangeness of this creature. Suddenly the figure rips his mask off and throws it on the ground with a swift movement. When he lifts up his head, the camera capture a... very normal looking young man. The crowd starts booing, obviously disappointed that the "thing" is not strange or interesting at all.

"Nuclear Doctor: SHUT UP!"

After shouting he coughs and calms down.

"Nuclear Doctor: Settle down and stop shouting... I couldn't care less what you think. I came to this federation to prove that I am the best wrestler your pathetic little eyes will ever see, so cherish this moment. Even people who never seen me know that I am championship material... Talking about those people..."

Nuclear Doctor slides out of the ring, comes near Mike Brand and gives him a handshake. Then he slides back into the ring.

"Mike Brand: You see, John? Everyone likes me."

"John Baker: I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to have friends like this guy..."

"Mike Brand: Oh, you're just jealous."

"Nuclear Doctor: Where was I? Oh right..."

Nuclear Doctor looks at the crowd and smiles arrogantly.

"Nuclear Doctor: You know what? I'll stop right here, because you are not worth to hear more of my voice anymore tonight."

"Mike Brand: No one is arguing."

"John Baker: Oh please..."

The GM smiles at Nuclear Doctor and takes back his mic.

"Nathan Fillion: So we have the first contender! Who will the second one be, John?"

John Baker stands up and looks at Nuclear Doctor, then at the GM.

"John Baker: I'm choosing... Nr. 47!"


Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-09-07


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