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Chessman vs Golbez.

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Chessman vs Golbez. Empty Chessman vs Golbez.

Post  Chessman Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:13 am

Josh Van is marching with purpose through the back stage area, being followed by a camera that almost falls behind.

He turns a corner and sees Chessman in a storage area. He is seated on a box. To one side is Olga, the head coach of the Norwegian National Chess team and Chessman's trainer. She is covering her face with the palm of her hand. She does not seem impressed with Chessman right now.

Chessman if playing with official AAW action figures. He has a Goatloard figure painted up to look like him.

Josh: Chessman! Chessman! May we speak with you?

Josh runs up just as Chessman, completely startled by the interruption, throws the figures behind him and attempts to look innocent.

Chessman: What! No! I wasn't playing with my dolls again! What? An interview? Really? On my first night? of course!! No doubt you would like to hear my lauded interpretation of the landmark Karpov v. Kasparaov 1985 where Kasparpv defeated...

J: Chessman! Wait... no... I was hoping to ask you about Golbez?

C: Whose that? One of my doctors?

J: No, He is an insane Master of the Dark Arts bent on world domination!

C: Really? Sounds like my kind of guy! Does he need a tag team partner?

Josh gives him a long frustrated stare.

J: No, he is your opponent on the next show.

C: Oh... that's a little different then isn't it?... So.... is the whole tag team thing completely off the table?

Josh walks away completely confused, with Chessman yelling behind him.

C: Is that a no?


Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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