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Chessman is coming!

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Chessman is coming! Empty Chessman is coming!

Post  Chessman Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:01 am

The Titan Tron suddenly comes to life and focuses on a room.

Seated directly in front of the camera are three people, each seated at their own table. On each table is a chess game in process. To the right stands a beautiful woman, her blonde hair is pulled back into a pony tail. She is wearing glasses, a rather form fitting formal jacket, blouse and skirt. She is carrying a clip board and is intently staring at a stopwatch.

Each of the three players is furtively looking at their game. They each slowly, nervously make a move and then hit the timer. DING. DING. DING.

The woman starts the stop watch. 'Go'.

To the left of all of them, off screen, in quick succession, you hear
DING. "checkmate"
Quietly at first. Growing louder with each repetition.
DING. "Checkmate"

A figure appears infront of the first man's table. You only see him from the back. He is wearing wrestling tights. The left pant leg is white, the right is black. On each leg is an opposing coloured symbol; a side view of a chess piece. A white knight on the black leg, a black knight on the right. The knight's visible eye is red.
He is wearing a lucha mask, half black, half white.

He looks at the board, quickly makes a move, hits the timer, DING, and loudly states "CHECKMATE!"

He moves to the next table, an elderly man sits across from him.

He makes his move, slams his hand on the timer, DING, making it rock, and yells "CHECKMATE!!!!"
The old man clutches his heart.

He moves to the last table. A small girl sits across from him.

He moves, slams a fist onto the timer, DING, knocking it off the table and he screams "CHECKMATE!!!!!!" The little girl bursts into tears and runs from the table.

The woman stops the stopwatch. 'A new record.'

The man, as if aware someone is watching him, starts looks around. His head darts back and forth.
He suddenly spins around and stares directly at the camera, as if directly at the audience.

He straightens out, and the camera focuses in on his face. Its a half mask, you can clearly see the lower half of his face. A smile breaks out, slowly, and grows. His eyes blink repeatedly, as if staring into a bright light.
His lips part, and his smile shows all of his teeth, its a huge smile.
He says, quite calmly... 'Checkmate'.

The screen fades to black.

An image not unlike what appeared on his pants is displayed, the profile of the knight chess piece, all white. Its eye glows bright red and the following words appear over the image.....



Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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