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Chessman bio

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Chessman bio Empty Chessman bio

Post  Chessman Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:19 am

Name: Chessman
Face/Heel: Hard to tell most of the time, mainly insane.
Weight:200 lbs

Bio: Rumor has it that Chessman was a chess prodigy in his youth. Going from tournament to tournament, his entire life focused on chess, and on winning.

Then one day, he lost in the finals of a major tournament. His young mind could not take the strain of loosing and it snapped. Hard. He attempted to take the entire tournament hostage with nothing but a flashlight and stick of gum and failed miserably.

Rather than send him to prison, he was sent to a facility where he might be treated properly with an aim on recovery. One day the other residence turned the tv to a wrestling program, and instantly he saw the parallels (or what he thought were the parallels) to chess. He devoured the programs. Learned all he could about it, and began training.

Then he vanished from the home. Never to be seen again.... until now.


Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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