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Mark Intro

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Mark Intro Empty Mark Intro

Post  Mark Reynolds Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:15 pm

*Mark Reynolds comes out to the cheering crowd, Nathan hands him a microphone, and he motions for the crowd for silence*

Mark Reynolds: First of all I'd just like to say thankyou to our GM for putting me into this title match, because after all lets face it, who else is more deserving of a singles title shot than "The English Enigma" Mark Reynolds

Mike Brand: What is he talking about ive never heard of him before?

*Mark Reynolds starts to pace allong the entrance ramp*

Mark Reynolds: Now for all of you that dont know me, my name is Mark Reynolds, for years me and my tag team partner Surf have held tag team titles all over the world, been part of some of the greatest tag team matches in recent years, so as soon as our GM heard that we were free agents, you can bet your bottom dollar that he was on the phone to us begging us to take the tag team division here at AAW to a whole new level!!!

John Baker: Wow, I had no idea the GM had managed to get such a huge name here!!! I can't wait to see this guy wrestle!

Mike Brand: All I'm hearing here is words, what good are words unless you cant back them up huh?

Mark Reynolds: Anyways enough about me talking, let me show you all what i can do in the ring, by having a great match for you fans, and becoming the First EVER! Rising Star Champion!!!

*Mark Brings his hands to his waist and motions wearing the title, than walks down to the ring and waits for his opponant*

Mark Reynolds

Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-09-14

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