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Salvatore Bellomo VS Mark Reynolds

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Salvatore Bellomo VS Mark Reynolds Empty Salvatore Bellomo VS Mark Reynolds

Post  Salvatore Bellomo Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:45 pm

As the lights go off and then go on, Salvatore Bellomo stands up in the middle of the ring. There are a red carpet and some sofas in the ring. Salvatore got a microphone on his hands.

Salvatore Bellomo : Well ladies and gentlemans, tonight I got a surprise for you! I mean we are in the third show of Absolute Adrenaline Wrestling. So tonight I’m going to amaze this show with my new concept which is called The Real Superstar Show. On every and single one of my show, I’ll get one guest. And here we go right now because my guest tonight is… me!

The crowd is booing.

Salvatore Bellomo : No, no, no! I’m just kidding you! So please welcome my guest tonight. He is the new Rising star champion. Here is Mark Reynolds!

As Mark Reynolds’s song is coming out, the audience is cheering. Mark Reynolds makes his way to the ring and gets in and then takes a microphone.

Salvatore Bellomo : Welcome Mark! What a title for you mark. Do you believe it?! The Rising Star Title. What you a talent you showed up last Monday. I mean look at that!

Salvatore Bellomo points the titan tron. The arena can see the video of last Monday : Mark Reynolds takes Surf by the arms and throws him in the air as high as he can then he jumps and catches Surf's head driving it head first to the mat excecuting aLEGENDARY Massive DDT
Mark Reynolds falls on top of Surf, without any energy left in him
Mark Reynolds is the Rising Star Champion !!!

Salvatore Bellomo : I’m really impressed Mark. And what a nice guy you are. After winning the title, you looked at Surf and told him that you were sorry. That’s oretty nice about you mate! But then on last Friday, you and Surf were partner for a tag team match. But unfortunately your team didn’t win. So I and the entire arena is wondering how are you feeling about you losing the tag team match?

Salvatore Bellomo looks at Mark Reynolds, waiting for an answer.

Mark Reynolds : Well Salvatore. I don’t want to thank you for the invitation and I actually don’t care about what you are thinking. I know what’s on your mind. But anyway… I’m one of the best wrestler on here. I got the most impressive title here : The Raising Star Title. It’s sounds amazing and actually it is! I mean look at me! Don’t you are impressed?

Salvatore Bellomo : Shut up! You talk too much! You’re in MY show!

Salvatore Bellomo and Mark Reynolds look at each other’s. Waiting for something to happen.

Salvatore Bellomo tries hitting Mark Reynolds with his microphone but Mark Reynolds dodges and takes the initiative hitting Salvatore Bellomo with a chair.

Mark Reynolds gets out of the ring and starts leaving the arena while Salvatore Bellomo istrying to stand up.

Salvatore Bellomo : Wait! Wait! Wait! What the hell have you done! I mean I want to get my revenge. So tonight I got a deal for you. Here is the deal : I’ll take on you in a match tonight. If I win the match, I get a title shot for the rising star title but if you win, you got a title shot for the Adrenaline title. Are you on?

The crowd is cheering like heel.

Mark Reynolds : Are you sure? Because I’m on and it’s going to be right here right now! I want a referee now!

Salvatore Bellomo

Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-09-17

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