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Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Championship match

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Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Championship match Empty Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Championship match

Post  Chris Newberry Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:24 am

*Backstage Interview*

The camera's fade in with Josh Matthews in a interview with Chris in the locker room backstage. In the background, you can hear the crowd booing.

Josh Matthews: Hi Chris, what are your feelings for tonights match?

Chris Newberry: Not bad Josh! Hopefully tonight I will walk out as Champion ending the reign of Salvature Bellomo.

Cheering can be heard from the crowd in the stadium from backstage but not whom there cheering for.

Chris Newberry: Salvature, I seen what you did to Mark Reynolds last week. Tonight, I will make you pay along with taking the championship from you.

More cheering is heard as the camera fade out.

(OOC: I am going to start going babyface as your are going heel Salvatore, from last week.

Chris Newberry

Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-09-18

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Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Championship match Empty Re: Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Championship match

Post  Salvatore Bellomo Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:47 am

Salvatore Bellomo is seeing in his locker room, looking at him in the mirror and talking to himself.

Salvatore Bellomo : So Chris? Do you think you'll take out my title? Do you think so? ...

Salvatore Bellomo looks at the mirror

Salvatore Bellomo : Well, I actually don't! I'll tell you what! I'm sick of you Chris. I'm sick of the public and I'm sick of the entire business. Tonight I'll be done with you chris because I'll put your career in the shadow. I would never get into a ring. Never ever!!!

Salvatore Bellomo looks angrily to the mirror and hits it, breaking it in a thousand pieces. We can see some blood on Salvatore Bellomo's hand.

Salvatore Bellomo : That blood is gonna be on your face Chris...

Salvatore Bellomo

Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-09-17

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