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Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Fued Continues

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Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Fued Continues Empty Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Fued Continues

Post  Chris Newberry Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:25 am

Through out the areana, Chris Newberry entrance songs hits just as the entire area goes dark for a few seconds. As the lights start to come up a few shades of blueish-black, Chris is seen on the entrance ramp making his way to the ring with a Mic in one hand and a sledgehammer in other.

The crowd has mix reactions with cheers and boo's most likely seeming the match from a few nights ago. Chris waits a minute before starts talking.

John Baker: The crowd seems to hate what Chris did to Salvatore last night and I don't blame them one bit.

Mike Brand : Salvatore had it coming to him. I admire Chris for what he did. Lets see what his future plans is for the Absolute Adrenaline Championship.

Chris: Ladies and Gents, Kids of all ages, what you saw a few nights ago at the opening of Absolute Adrenaline Wreastling is nothing compared to what I have in store for Salvastore.

The crowd starts booing Chris

John Baker: This can't be good for the Champion.

Mike Brand: This is just getting interested John, Now shut the h@*l up.

Chris: That is why I brought this trusty sledgehammer to the ring with me. Salvastore, I challenge you to a rematch for the Absolute Adrenaline Championship. It was just a flut you won it in the first place but I know your still gravely injuried and might not be able to put up a very good fight. So I might just go back stage and give you a whack with thise sledgehammer and talk it.

John Baker: I am respecting Chris even more now. He should be the rightful champion and use any means to get it.

Soon after Chris stop speaking Salvatore theme music hits and out comes the Absolute Adrenaline Champion limbling but very able to walk.

Chris Newberry

Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-09-18

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Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Fued Continues Empty Re: Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Fued Continues

Post  Salvatore Bellomo Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:45 am

Salvatore : Well Chris, don't be so stupid! I mean you lost last night! Do you understand? You lost! So do you know what does it mean? I'll tell you what, you should listen to me because I'm the new Adrenaline Champion! I don't care about you, your sledgehammer or anything else. I mean you had your chance! Anyway... you want your rematch, right?

The crowd is loudly cheering.

Salvatore : So it's what you'd like to get! Then I'm glad to say that tonight... I WILL NOT put my title on the line tonight! But that's not all because tonight you take on me. And if you win your match, I'll give you a title match for next show but if you lose you can forget that title for a while! So Chris, are you on?

Salvatore looks at chris's face, waiting an answer.

Salvatore Bellomo

Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-09-17

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Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Fued Continues Empty Re: Chris Newberry vs Salvatore Bellomo Fued Continues

Post  Chris Newberry Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:26 am

The lights in the entire arena went dark for a few minutes then turn back on but to a different picture. Chris with his sledgehammer in his hands is seen hovoring over the champion who is laying face down on the entrance ramp. With his right hand he picks up Salvatore mic.

Chris: Your on Salvatore.

*Chris throws the mic down and leaves the entrance to backstage with the crowd booing him. Refee's and Medics from the back rush to check on Salvatore who's out cold.

Chris Newberry

Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-09-18

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