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Chessman vs. Chris Newberry

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Chessman vs. Chris Newberry Empty Chessman vs. Chris Newberry

Post  Chessman Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:19 am

Josh Van is grabbing a bite to eat with his camera crew in the hallways of the AAW arena. He is taking a long drink from his coke when he hears a load crash and a scream.


Josh spits out the coke, covering his camera-man in backwash.

From around a corner, Chessman comes running in a panic. He his not looking in front, checking over his shoulder every few seconds as if he were ensuring whatever was chasing him has been lost. He doesn't seem to think so.

He runs smack into Josh, who is in the middle of apologizing to his soaked camera-man.

Josh: Ah jeez man... I so sorry! Let me clean yo.... uffffff!

Both men tumble to the ground. Chessman scurries back up.

Josh, sensing a story, has no choice but to inquire.

Josh: Chessman! What the heck are you doing!!!!

Chessman: No time! He is after me!

J: Who is?

C: Chris Newberry! And I didn't do anything!

J: Chessman... what did you do?

C: I swear I didn't touch him! All I said was 'Hey Chris! I hear you like to ambush people. Would you like to see my zwischenzug? Its really quite impressive' and he went nuts! Came at me with that sledge hammer! All over a chess strategy... and I thought I loved the game!

J: Chess... he has know idea what a zwischenzug is.... I have no idea what a zwischenzug is ! The fans have no idea what a zwischenzug is!

C: What? Now you're just joshing... see what I did there?

J: Like I've never heard that one before...

C: I know! I'm all kinds of brilliant!

Just at that moment Chris Newberry comes careening around the corner, running full tilt.

Chris Newberry: Chesmaaaaaan!!!

Chessman: EEEK! Does this mean you wouldn't be interested in my skewer either?

With that, Chessman takes off once more, with Chris Newberry is hot pursuit, close at his heals. Josh is left with his dinner spilled all over the floor, and a damp camera-man.


Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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Chessman vs. Chris Newberry Empty Re: Chessman vs. Chris Newberry

Post  Danny Master Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:18 am

Great RP thanks man this will be good for show.

Danny Master

Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-09-18

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