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Mark VS Salvatore for Adrenaline Title

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Mark VS Salvatore for Adrenaline Title Empty Mark VS Salvatore for Adrenaline Title

Post  Salvatore Bellomo Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:20 pm

Here is my rp for next show. It's such a little rp. Sorry about this I didn't know what to write more :p

Salvatore Bellomo’s song is heard in the entire arena. He makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Salvatore Bellomo : Tonight Ladies and gentleman you’ll have the honor to crown a new rising star champion. It will be the first time ever that a superstar got two titles…

Mark Reynolds appears from nowhere and starts running to get into the ring.

Mark Reynolds : I wouldn’t be so sure about it Salvatore because last show I won and I’ll tell what : it was an easy win! So tonight I’m going to be both rising star champion and Adrenaline Champion! You don’t have any chances to win.

Salvatore Bellomo : Well, let’s call a referee because I want to make you tap out with my Prince Lock!

The two wrestlers star at each other while a referee is coming.

Salvatore Bellomo

Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-09-17

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