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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it.

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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it. Empty RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it.

Post  Danny Master Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:59 am

Danny Master heads t the ring with an angry look on his face and a bandage around his head

Danny Master: I know I lost to Justin I guess you'd call it fairly. What aggravates me is he just kept on smashing me after I had no chance of winning. Maybe it seems to some of Justin's fans and you Mike Brand that he was showing who's boss. To me now he seems like... a coward!

Mike Brand: Look at this sore loser, get over it.
John Baker: Excuse me, it was a obvious cowardly act have you noot got the brains to see that? or the heart?
Mike Brand: Whatever i don't got I'm glad I don't because that would make me a goody two shoes just like you.

Danny Master: And Nathan you want the best for your federation I don't really think that's entertainment hitting someone with a ladder so many times that they get knocked out entertainment and if you find that entertainment you have a sick mind my friend. I think these fans want to see it. Tell me fans do you wanna see a number one contender's match?

Fans: Boooo!

Danny Master: *sigh* I guess that settles it.

Fans: Rematch! Rematch!

Danny Master: Oh.

Nathan Fillion enters the arena.

Last edited by Danny Master on Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:40 pm; edited 2 times in total

Danny Master

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Join date : 2010-09-18

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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it. Empty Re: RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it.

Post  Admin Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:11 pm

Nathan Fillion: Hello there Danny... Good to see that you are already walking after your brutal match... and talking for that matter. Even though you have lost, I gotta give it to ya, it was a pretty tough match and I have no regrets that I made it the main event. And you know what I'll say? Well, I'll say that if you really want, you can have him tonight in a normal match, just a normal match...


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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it. Empty Just Justis mission statement

Post  Just Justin Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:24 am

(only thing I ask is that Justin NOT come out from under the ring. He's a heel, but hiding would show eakness for just one man)

After Nathan Fillions stunning announcement Just Justins music hits. He slowly walks down to the ring, perectly dressed in his three-piece suit but with a small bandage on the bridge of his nose and his left arm in a sling. Draped across his right shoulder is the coveted title. He walks up the steps and enters the ring, walking over and shaking Fillions hand. He then asks for and receives the microphone.

John Baker- Are his- ARE HIS BANDAGES MADE FROM GUCCI? Geez, this guy is unbelievable...

Mike Brand- Be quiet and show some respect! The first ever Champion is about to speak, and that means WE listen!

Just Justin- Thank you Mister Fillon

Crowd boos loudly. Justin goes to speak and then winces. He slowly reaches over and takes off his arm sling and starts to stretch it experemently. The crowd cheers. Finally comfortable, Justin raises the mike to his lips again.

Just Justin- I've been doing a lot of thinking since I won this title. What it means. What I won. And I've been doing a lot of thinking about our match, Danny. What that meant. And I'm afraid I don't like the answer I came up with. But I couldn't be a man without me coming to grips with it. Danny...you WON that match.

The crowd cheers ecstatically. Chants of DANNY! DANNY! can be heard. Danny however looks upset and takes a step towards Justin.

John Baker- Is he MOCKING Danny? What does he mean Danny WON?

Just Justin- Whoa, hold on, Danny. Let me explain something first. I came here to make a difference in these people's lives.

Just Justin points to the crowd. The crowd starts booing again.

Just Justin- Look at them, Danny. LOOK AT THEM! Overweight, out of shape, probably spending their ex's child support to buy the tickets for this show. They came here for something, Danny. They came here to see GREATNESS. And hoping that by seeing it, they too will become great. That they will be INSPIRED. That they can break out of their rut and become like us.
That's why I came here to AAW. To inspire. To be a role-model. To give these people an example, to show them that if you work hard, take risks and give it your all you too can be ELITE!

Just Justin smiles to the crowd as if encouraging them. The crowd's boos are deafening.

Just Justin- So I came here to this FREAKSHOW. Yes, I said it. Freak show. We've all seen my...little encounter with Chessman. We have a wrstler pretending to be an egyptian daywalker. Hell, walking into the building I saw Cousin It today! Man, that guy had the biggest goattee I've ever seen...
...and of course...theres you, Danny. We all saw what you did. We all saw what you're capable of. You're the worst of them all. And when I entered this ring...when I faught you...I BECAME YOU. All my talk of being better went out the window. I became a monster, Danny, and I LIKED it! So I won the title and lost my soul...and you won...

Just Justin stares down at his feet, at a loss for words. The crowd, unsure of how to react to that, gives a few half-hearted DANNY chants.

Just Justin- Monsters. Deviants. Psychos. But the crowd has another name for you; Role-Models. Now listen closely, this message is for every wrestler in the back as well as for you, Danny.
In order for me to be worthy of this belt, I need to show that you're NOT role-models. That my way is better. I need to show these people that they need to look up to me, not to you!
And in order to do that, I need to eleminate every-one of these false idols. Elimenate them...or convert them.

Just Justin approaches Danny with an extended hand. Danny backs of warily, as if expecting a trip.

Just Justin- In this freak show of deviants, psychos and monsters, Danny, you're the MOST monstrous! But there's still a man in there somewhere. And if Danny Master can join, then ANYONE can improve their life! Join me, Danny! Help me inspire them, Danny! Help me show them what they can be! There will be others, but you will be the first. Together we can stomp out these abominations. Together, we can be...The Elitests.
Shake my hand, Danny. Just...shake...my hand...

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it. Empty Re: RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it.

Post  Danny Master Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:12 am

Danny Master nods turns to the fans and takes a few steps back then speaks.

Danny Master: Okay I'll tag with you, but I will not shake your hand.

John Baker: Probably a smart move.

Mike Brand: No way, Justin wanted to apologize but Danny Master just couldn't get over his fit from Monday.

Last edited by Danny Master on Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

Danny Master

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Join date : 2010-09-18

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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it. Empty Wow. Unexpected turn of events...

Post  Just Justin Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:21 am

For the first time in AAW history, not a sound can be heard as the crowd is SHOCKED into silence. And then the crowd ERUPTS, sending forth a chorus of screams and boos that hit the wrestlers almost like a physical wall of force. A small group of fans begin chanting YOU SOLD OUT! Through it all Just Justin ignores them, staring at Danny, a strange look in his eyes.

John Baker- (barely heard over the crowd) MY GAWD. What has just happened here? One minute we're expecting a bloody rematch and now this...this UNHOLY alliance forms...

Mike Brand- Unholy? Haven't you been listening? They're joining together to make AAW a better place. Just Justin has made Danny Master see the light. I always liked Danny Master; I knew he had a good soul under all that angst.

John Baker- LIKE Danny Master? Good soul? It's only been announced and your all ready drinking the kool-aid! Good lor-

Mike Brand- Quiet! Just Justin is about to speak!

Just Justin- Danny, this...this is almost too much to ask for. I admit, I really thought you'd turn me down. But I thought if I was to be a proper champion, I needed to ask. And now this, THIS Danny! Do you know what this IS?!

More and more people pick up the YOU SOLD OUT! chant. Just Justin, pain forgotten, throws his arms wide as if embracing the crowd.

Just Justin- THIS is the begining of new era in AAW! No more will freaks and monsters be child-hood role models! DANNY MASTER is the FIRST to see that to help his fellow man he needs to first help himself! In order to better mankind, WE need to be better! We NEED to rise above! All you wrestlers in the back, I hope you're watching! Over the coarse of today and the next few days we WILL come up to you! We WILL ask you to change for the better! The bravest and the strongest of you will join THE ELITESTS. Those to sick to change, to lost to change, or those who just won't...well, nothing personal. It's Just Business.

Almost everyone in the audiance is chanting YOU SOLD OUT! now. Just Justin turns a furious look at the crowd, his blue eyes flashing.

Just Justin- How DARE you say that! Danny Master is a good man, a GREAT man! He's doing this for you! What don't you understand, people? Me, Danny, the elitests, this title...IT'S ALL FOR YOU! We're trying to HELP you!

This is just too much for the crowd to take. Bottles and cans and other garbage starts flying out from the stands, peppering the two wrestlers. Nick Fallion wisely steps away from the two. Mr. Black and Mr. White run from the backstage area to stand in front of Danny and Justin, protecting them from the crowd.

Just Justin

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-09-19

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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it. Empty Re: RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it.

Post  Danny Master Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:38 pm

Danny master looks at the ground with a look of frustration on his face but just turns around and leaves.

Danny Master

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Join date : 2010-09-18

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RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it. Empty Re: RP Just Justin and Nuc (Nathan Fillion) to edit it.

Post  Admin Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:06 pm

Nathan Fillion: Oh... Okay, I am still a bit confused by what happened... But it seems that we do not have the number one contender anymore.

Nathan Fillion raises his head and looks at the roof of the arena, he scratches the back of his head and coughs.

Nathan Fillion: I need to get back to my office for a little thinking time... Have a wonderful evening, ladies and gentlemen.


Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-09-07


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